After much deliberation...I decided to take the internship at Newchannel 5 in
The week seemed to drag on forever, and when Friday rolled around, I was checking my e-mail every 30 minutes. By the end of the day, I was pretty bummed...I was fairly certain that Ellen would contact me either way, but now I wasn't so sure. After the weekend passed, I wasn't expecting anything...but a surprise came my way on Monday when an e-mail showed up in my inbox from Ellen. She said she was sorry that she didn't get back to me right away, but that I had gotten the internship!! I will be working three days a week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) from 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. My responsibilities include helping with the production of the show, writing some news, going out with photographers and assisting them, greeting and making the guests feel comfortable, and much more. I think this internship will be a great learning experience into how a television station runs in a bigger network area.
Also, I think this will help me to figure out what I want to do as a career after I graduate. Right now, I'm split between radio and television. I had an internship with the Fish radio station last summer, and now I can gain TV experience with Newschannel 5. I was rather proud of myself because I w

Funny thing is that right before I sent an e-mail back to Ellen telling her I would take the internship...I checked my mail at school and found a letter from WKYC, the NBC news station affiliate in
In the end, I decided to just stick with Newschannel 5, the ABC affiliate. I knew that the internship at 5 was a for sure thing, and most of the WKYC internships were full-time positions, 40 hours per week. At least with Newschannel 5, I will have the opportunity to baby-sit two days a week and make some money to pay for expenses this summer. However, I'm going to contact WKYC and thank them for the invitation to interview...because you never know where you may end up in the future....
So...for now...the search is over, but I know that not too far off, I'm going to be busy looking for jobs that I could do after I graduate. I have a feeling that senior year will fly by, and soon enough I'm be back in the "real" world...until then, I'm content to intern and learn as much as I can from those who have been in the business for years!!