Just to follow up from where I left off...I did get to fill in the next day for my boss Greg, the morning show producer (many may know him as the "treadmill guy"). Anyways, my responsibility was mostly to answer the phones and talk to the listeners, but I had another duty my second day on the job. It was my responsibility to get coffee for the morning show. OK, so I bet you are thinking typical intern duty...but that wasn't really the case. Before I went to work, I ran to Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, and McDonald's to buy a regular coffee from each place. Len, Brooke, and Mark decided they would do a coffee taste on the morning show that day to try and determine which coffee was the best, or at least, which they thought most people would choose as their favorite. Apparently, the crew had gotten into a debate over which coffee was the best with the work-day DJ Gina Hart, who said she would only drink Starbucks coffee.
So, when I got back to the office, I poured a small amount of each coffee into a three separate cups. Then, we also added the office's coffee to the mix. I labeled each type of coffee with a number, but only I knew the results. After some discussion between the hosts and the listeners, Len, Brooke, and Mark decided that the McDonald's coffee was the best overall. Then, they brought me into the conversation, and I got to reveal the results on-air and then talk a little more with the hosts live. This was definitely a way to turn a typical intern duty into something exciting, fun, and beneficial. Plus, this was probably one of the most exciting moments during my internship experience. I was very grateful for the opportunities I was given at the Fish radio station and for the new people I met and got to work with on a daily basis. If you're interested in interning at the Fish radio station in Cleveland, check out this link: A Super Great Experience!
So, when I got back to the office, I poured a small amount of each coffee into a three separate cups. Then, we also added the office's coffee to the mix. I labeled each type of coffee with a number, but only I knew the results. After some discussion between the hosts and the listeners, Len, Brooke, and Mark decided that the McDonald's coffee was the best overall. Then, they brought me into the conversation, and I got to reveal the results on-air and then talk a little more with the hosts live. This was definitely a way to turn a typical intern duty into something exciting, fun, and beneficial. Plus, this was probably one of the most exciting moments during my internship experience. I was very grateful for the opportunities I was given at the Fish radio station and for the new people I met and got to work with on a daily basis. If you're interested in interning at the Fish radio station in Cleveland, check out this link: A Super Great Experience!